General information

About us

AperturaOrari was created with the aim of providing information on the opening hours of stores and places. AperturaOrari not only offers a huge amount of useful information to its users, but sets a standard in the directory industry.

We offer users the possibility of editing and adding places like on Wikipedia because we believe in the participatory model. After more than 10 years of experience in the field, we were right to trust you.

Since the creation of WikiHoraire, we have always been committed to providing a quality service. The trust of our users is the most valuable thing for us. We place very high importance on the accuracy of schedules, as well as the user's experience when visiting our site.

Here's what you'll find on AperturaOrari:

  • Reduced loading time thanks to optimizations
  • Responsive site on all media (computer, tablet, smartphone)
  • In-house, high-performance search engine
  • Most schedules updated regularly
  • Possibility for Internet users to add or modify information directly
  • Ability for users to directly add special schedules
  • Possibility to add seasonal schedules
  • Availability of the site in the languages of the country
  • Our motivation is to offer a service based on quality. This project has always been and always will be driven by passion.

    Thank you again, dear Internet users, for your interest in us. Don't hesitate to leave us a message via the contact form, we'll be really happy!

    AperturaOrari is a website that is free and driven by its community. Our goal is to gather the maximum amount of opening times.

    Everyone (after they register) can modify opening hours and information of listed businesses on AperturaOrari.

    AperturaOrari is crowdsourced. For the last 10 years we let our users improve our services and the results are amazing. More than 99% of the interactions were relevant and helpful. We keep an eye on the modifications and if we find any abuse, we correct it (thanks to our moderators).

    AperturaOrari is trying to gather a maximum amount of opening times. That's why our website let you add yourself places where you know the openings. AperturaOrari is growing every day because of you!

    You can add all kind of places on AperturaOrari. It's obvious that everything that is illegal is not allowed. Shops that offer sexual products or services, sell alcohol or tobacco are not allowed on our website.

    The register process is fast, easy and free. It will allow you to declare yourself as owner of a business, add photos, let comments, rate and make other great stuff.

    Confidentiality and Data Protection

    Data protection declaration of SwissOps Ltd

    AperturaOrari is a service offered by SwissOps Ltd. This Declaration relating to the data protection of SwissOps Ltd (hereinafter “we” or “AperturaOrari”) aims to inform the Client or User (hereinafter “you” or “the User”). ) of our services, offers or products (hereinafter “the Services”) regarding the collection and processing of their data (whether or not they are of a personal nature; hereinafter “the Data”).

    1. Introduction
    In this document, we answer the following questions in particular: who is responsible for the processing of your Data? What Data do we collect when using our Services? for what purposes do we process this Data? if applicable, to whom do we transmit this Data? We also inform you about the duration of the processing of your Data, the legal basis for this processing (to the extent that such a basis proves necessary) as well as the rights that you can assert against us. regarding the processing of your Data. This Data Protection Statement applies to all your Data which we are already aware of or which will be transmitted to us in the future. Please note that we may adapt this Data Protection Statement at any time. The current version published on is authentic. All information relating to an identified or identifiable person (hereinafter “Personal Data”) is considered personal data. This includes information such as name, address, telephone number, email address and, where applicable, IP addresses as well as device IDs. The generic term “Data” within the meaning of this Data Protection Declaration includes both Personal Data and anonymized data or data not of a personal nature. The term “processing”, for its part, refers to any processing of Data, in particular the collection, recording, use, transformation, dissemination, conservation or erasure of Data, whatever the means or process used (hereinafter, “the Processing”). Before making the Personal Data of other people available to us, please ensure that they have read this Data Protection Statement, and only provide us with their Personal Data if the data protection legislation current data authorizes you to do so.

    2. Responsible
    In accordance with this Data Protection Declaration, the Data Controller is SwissOps Ltd, headquartered in Renens, Switzerland. If you have any questions or requests relating to data protection, please contact our specialist “Data Protection” department (

    3. Categories of Processed Data
    We collect certain Data when you use our Services or are in contact with AperturaOrari (for example, when you visit our website, use one of our mobile applications or other digital Service, enter into a contract, register or you log in to a user account, or when you are in contact with our collaborators). In principle, we collect this Data from you directly. In certain cases, however, it may happen that other people provide us with Data (for example, if a third party makes a rating or comment that concerns you, if your employer provides us with your contact details, or if a company with which you interact a contractual relationship transmits your Data to us). The Personal Data that we process may include:
    • the Data communicated to us when registering for one of our Services (names, contact details, gender, marital status, date of birth, profession, photo, family members, employees, language, payment information, access data, advertising information, opt-in and opt-out, etc.);
    • Data relating to offers and concluded contracts (date of the contract, type of contract, content of the contract, contract product, parties to the contract, duration of the contract, value of the contract, modifications to the contract, details relating to payment , contact details, contact persons, billing and correspondence addresses, customer feedback, terminations, disputes, etc.);
    • Data obtained or disclosed during the use of our Services by registered or unregistered Users. This includes IP and MAC addresses or the ID of the device used, cookies, pages viewed and search terms entered by Users, values entered in dialog boxes, reservations, reviews. , date, time and duration of views, clicks, reactions to offers from AperturaOrari or third parties, referrers/exit URLs, information relating to the date and time of the usage, browser and device type, operating system and Internet service provider, or the amount of data transferred. This also concerns Data published or communicated through our Services or third party services which may be integrated therein (images, texts, comments, evaluations, reservations, videos, etc.). We may also merge Personal Data collected as part of one of our Services with Data collected as part of another Service;
    • Data exchanged during any contact with us or concerning such contacts (communication by post, by telephone, by fax, by email, by SMS, by MMS, by video message or via instant messaging, reactions to communications and offers from AperturaOrari, preferred means of communication, etc.);
    • Data that you or third parties communicate as part of possible participation in competitions or questionnaires, or other similar operations;
    • Location Data that certain Services may collect and record if the geolocation function of the device used is activated;
    • Data made available to us by third parties with whom we have business relationships (registrations in directories, address databases, mutations of entries in databases, data relating to solvency, information regarding internal company contact persons, etc.);
    • Data from public sources (entries in the commercial register, other registers, directories or directories, etc.).
    The aforementioned Data is not always Personal Data. As a general rule, unless registered (for example, through a user account), we are not able to associate Data generated during the use of the Site with a specific person. our services. However, in individual cases, such a connection may be possible if this Data is combined with other Data. Where applicable, in order to use our Services, you will be required to provide certain Personal Data prescribed by law or necessary to establish a contractual relationship, ensure its processing or fulfill related contractual obligations. Without this Personal Data, we will generally not be able to enter into and perform the contract or provide a specific Service. The recording of access to our Digital Services and the resulting collection of connection data (such as the IP address) are also essential. They are performed automatically during use and cannot be disabled for specific Users. Therefore, if you object to the collection of such Data, you should refrain from using our Services.

    4. Purposes of Processing and legal bases
    To the extent permitted by law, we will process Personal Data in particular for the following purposes:
    • preparation, conclusion, execution and processing of contracts;
    • offer, development and improvement of our Services, development of new Services, operation, maintenance, optimization and guarantee of the security of our Services and our infrastructures;
    • management of Users of our Services, identity checks, connections and other authentications;
    • maintenance, management and development of our customer relationships, communication with customers and third parties, customer service and technical support, promotions, advertising and marketing, establishment of user profiles, offering of personalized Services and content relevant;
    • keeping and publishing registers, directories or directories (on paper, on data carriers and/or on the Internet), maintaining, comparing and updating databases, including central directories, addresses and other contact details that belong to us or to companies with which we have a contractual relationship;
    • protection of Users, our employees and third parties, protection of our Data, secrets and assets, security of our systems, buildings and other infrastructures;
    • quality controls, market studies, establishment of statistics, reports and management information, management and development of the company, our offer and our activities, purchase and sale of commercial units, of companies or parts of companies;
    • compliance with legal or regulatory obligations and internal rules, application of law, civil, criminal or administrative procedures, complaints, fight against abuse, investigations and response to requests from authorities or official services.
    We may also process Personal Data for other purposes if a legal obligation requires it, if we notify you elsewhere or if, in view of the circumstances, the Processing was evident at the time of collection of the Personal Data. Data. To the extent that a legal basis is required by applicable data protection legislation, we use Personal Data for the aforementioned purposes relying on the following legal bases:
    • execution of a contract;
    • compliance with legal obligations;
    • consent obtained by AperturaOrari or by a third party;
    • legitimate interests of AperturaOrari or third parties, in particular:
    • offer and provision of Services;
    • advertising and marketing;
    • maintenance of relationships and communication with Users and third parties;
    • understanding of User behavior, preferences and needs, market research;
    • development and improvement of our Services, development of new Services;
    • User management, identity checks, connections, authentications;
    • protection of Users, our employees and third parties, protection of our Data, secrets, infrastructures and assets;
    • secure, efficient and effective maintenance and organization of business activity, including secure, efficient and effective operation and development of Digital Services and other IT systems, problem solving;
    • timely management and development of the business, sale or purchase of business units, companies or parts of companies, other transactions under corporate law;
    • compliance with legal or regulatory obligations and internal rules, application of law, civil, criminal or administrative procedures, complaints, fight against abuse, investigations and response to requests from authorities.

    5. Publication and transmission of Data
    We may publish and transmit Data under the following provisions:
    Publishing Data
    Some of our Services provide for the publication of Data. As a general rule, the Published Data can be consulted everywhere, including outside Switzerland. For example, published directory data is publicly accessible (on, etc.). Data published through the corresponding functionalities of our Services (posts, images, texts, videos, comments, ratings, etc.) may also be accessible to the public. This remark also applies to the username used for this purpose. We or third parties may publish the Published Data on other platforms or in other media (e.g. in print media), if necessary after adapting the form. It is also possible that the Data published through our Services may be indexed by search engines (such as Google) or relayed by third parties, over which we have no control. Consequently, this Data may be publicly accessible in any country, even after we have possibly deleted it.
    Data processors
    We are entitled to mandate third parties to provide certain services (IT services, operation of applications, management, printing, sending, etc.) or to process and save the Data (hereinafter "the Subcontractors"). Datas"). Data Processors may have access to Personal Data and process it within the framework of the mandate we have entrusted to them. Data Processors who may receive Personal Data may be located in any country, including Switzerland, EU or EEA countries and the United States.
    Contractual partners
    We may transmit Data to our contractual partners (distribution partners, service providers, customers, suppliers, financial institutions, etc.). Such transmission may take place, among other things, with a view to fulfilling contractual obligations, offering specific Services or comparing, validating and updating databases (including central address directories). and other contact details that belong to us or our contractual partners); it may also be used for collection and marketing purposes, to analyze usage and operate our Services, systems and infrastructure, and to process payments. Acquirers or parties interested in acquiring business units, companies or parts of companies are also potential recipients. Contractual partners may have access to Personal Data and process it for their own purposes (e.g. to execute their contracts or fulfill their legal obligations). In this context, they are also required to comply with the data protection legislation in force. Contractual partners likely to receive Personal Data may be established in any country, in particular in Switzerland, in EU or EEA countries as well as in the United States.
    Transmissions to authorities and other transmissions for legal reasons
    In certain cases, we may disclose Data to authorities, official services or other third parties (in the context of requests from authorities or official services, inquiries and investigations, administrative investigations, criminal investigations, civil and/or criminal proceedings, etc.). We make such a disclosure when the authorities or official services ask us to do so, when we believe we are required to do so, or when we can assume in good faith that access to the Data concerned, their use, their storage or their transmission are reasonably necessary to enforce the terms of use in force, detect, prevent or combat abuse or security breaches or protect the rights and property of AperturaOrari.

    6. Shelf life
    We retain Personal Data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which we collected it. However, as a general rule, we delete Personal Data generated in the context of the use of our Services (protocols, logs) earlier, i.e. as soon as their Processing is no longer of interest to us. logs"), analyses, etc.) and which are not subject to such retention or limitation periods. Anonymized Data may be retained for longer. Subject to any express contractual agreement, we are not required to retain the Data for a specific period.

    7. Cookies, Internet audience measurement tools, tracking tools and other technologies
    We use several common technologies to collect, store and analyze Data when you use our Services. In particular, we use cookies, which allow your web browser or device to be identified. A cookie is a small file that is sent to your computer or automatically stored on your computer or mobile device by the browser you use when you use one of our Services. When you access the Service again, it may recognize your browser or device using cookies. Cookies may store various information, such as User preferences. In addition to "session cookies", which are automatically deleted after each visit to our Services, we use temporary and permanent cookies, which are kept on your computer or mobile device for longer. The cookies we use above all allow us to offer you the functionalities of the various Services in a more convenient and secure manner (for example, logging into your user account). The information collected using cookies also allows us to improve our Services according to Users' expectations and to send you personalized offers and advertisements. We assume that the User, by using our Services and the corresponding functionalities (choice of language, automatic connection, etc.), consents to our use of such cookies. However, you can block the use of cookies or delete them in your browser settings. Please note, however, that if you block cookies, you may not be able to use all of the features of a Service. Likewise, if you delete cookies, any opt-out cookies that you have saved yourself will also be deleted. You will then need to reactivate these opt-out cookies the next time you use the Service concerned. Otherwise, you will be identified as a new User and will have to re-enter your Data. In addition to cookies, we may use other technologies (pixels, web beacons, tags, advertising IDs, etc.) to analyze the use of our Services, personalize them or offer you tailor-made offers and advertising. For example, when we send newsletters or emails, we may use technologies that allow us to analyze, on the one hand, what content is of interest to Users, and, on the other hand , if, when and how they react to our offers (downloading images contained in an e-mail, clicking on URLs appearing in an e-mail or on a website, entering data in a form, etc. .). We assume that the User, by using such functionalities, consents to our use of the corresponding technologies. Finally, we also use various Internet audience measurement tools and common tracking tools to measure and analyze the use of our Services. Such tools, most often provided by third parties, provide us with information and statistics relating to the use of our Services, which help us to better understand it and to adapt our Services to the needs of Users. For example, we use Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google LLC and also using cookies. The information generated by cookies about your use of our Services is generally transmitted to a Google server in the United States and stored there. However, on our Services, we have activated the anonymization of IP addresses for Google Analytics. Therefore, Google deletes part of your IP address within a member state of the European Union or the European Economic Area before it is transmitted to the United States. The full IP address is only transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened in exceptional cases. Google will use this information to analyze the use of the website in question, to compile reports on website activities and to provide other services to the website operator. link with the use of the site and the Internet in general. You can find more information about the Internet audience measurement and tracking tools we use as well as possible options for deactivating or blocking their use here. Please note that authorized third parties (for example, our advertising partners) may also use cookies or other technologies on our Services in order to analyze their use, personalize them or offer you tailor-made offers and advertisements. You can find an overview of the third parties we collaborate with in this area here. These third parties process the Data under their own data usage and protection provisions.

    8. Social media plugins and integration of third-party offers
    We integrate social network plugins (Facebook, Google, etc.) into our Services. These plugins make it easier to share content on these platforms. You can find an overview of the plugins we use here. When visiting one of our Services that contains plugins, a connection can be automatically established with the server of the respective provider. This then collects and records certain Data (date and time of visit to the Service, browser type, IP address, etc.). If you hold a user account with one of these providers, they may associate this information with your profile. Furthermore, if you interact with these plugins (for example, by clicking "Like" or leaving a comment), this information is in turn transmitted to the respective provider, who stores it and possibly publishes it. When you connect to our Services via a social network (use of a “social login” service, such as Facebook Connect), the service provider concerned may transmit to us certain Personal Data concerning you that it has recorded (name, email address, profile picture, etc.). In addition, we integrate into our Services services provided by third parties which allow you to interact with customers or other Users of AperturaOrari as well as with third parties (booking through a reservation service, publication of ratings or comments, etc.). Any Data entered is then either transmitted to these third parties for the processing and execution of the service concerned, or processed directly by them. Please note that these third parties process Data under their own data usage and protection provisions.

    9. Rights of data subjects
    Any person concerned has a right of access to Personal Data concerning them. He also has the right to demand that we rectify or erase Personal Data concerning him or that we restrict the Processing and use thereof, and may also object to such Processing of Personal Data. As a general rule, however, the data subject must be able to clearly prove his or her identity in order to exercise such rights. If the data subject has consented to the Processing of Personal Data, he or she may revoke his or her consent at any time. Within EU or EEA member states, the data subject has the right, in certain cases, to receive Data generated during the use of Online Services in a structured, commonly used format and machine-readable which allows said Data to continue to be used and transmitted. Any request relating to these rights must be addressed to the specialized “Data Protection” department (see number 2 above). We reserve the right to limit the rights of the data subject to the extent permitted by law and, for example, not to provide complete information or not to delete Data. Furthermore, we draw your attention to the fact that, if your Personal Data is deleted, Services or parts of Services may no longer be available or usable. It is possible that an automated decision by AperturaOrari concerning a particular person may have legal effects with regard to that person or substantially affect him or her for some other reason. In such a case, and to the extent provided for by law, the data subject may contact a responsible person within AperturaOrari and ask them to reconsider the automated decision or immediately demand that the decision be taken by a person rather than in an automated manner. In this case, the data subject may no longer be able to use certain automated services. She will be informed separately of such decisions. Any data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority. If the Data Controller is located in Switzerland, it will be the Federal Data Protection and Transparency Officer (

    Legal notices and Conditions of Use of the site and the services and benefits of offered by SwissOps Ltd

    1. Scope
    These Legal Notices and Conditions of Use regulate the use of the online platforms of SwissOps Ltd (hereinafter summarized by “”) and its partners as well as all of its services. Use of services and third-party sites affiliated with online platforms may be subject to the conditions of the relevant partner. By using the website, the user (hereinafter, “the user” or “you”) accepts these Legal Notices and Conditions of Use.

    2. Services of
    2.1. General offers the user a whole range of services and services free of charge on its online platform (including on its iOS and Android mobile applications - if available). The content and form of these services may be changed, expanded or suspended at any time. also offers paid services through its online platforms and may, at any time, use third parties to ensure their delivery.
    2.2. Registration data
    Some services may require a registration step from the user. During this, SwissOps Ltd saves its personal data (see Confidentiality, Data Protection). The user is then obliged to transmit the required information correctly and in full, as well as to make - if necessary - changes without delay. The user is therefore solely responsible for the content of his recording and therefore for the personal information he provides. In this regard, measures are taken by in order to prevent possible fraudulent interventions carried out by third parties. However, cannot be held responsible for the consequences of unauthorized interventions. Finally, has the right to delete the user's registration at any time, without proof.
    2.3 Saving and publishing published content offers its users content editing tools – p. ex. descriptions, evaluations, images, or any other addition to the basic registration in Swiss directories. This one belongs to them. Each entry of content constitutes a use with which the user accepts the General Conditions of Use of in force. The user expressly declares to accept the publication of his content. However, is not obliged to publish content online and is also free to remove it from its site at any time, also without proof. Any comments/evaluations published on the site are the subjective point of view of their author and not the opinion of Their publication does not imply the approval or agreement of The user can nevertheless report possible abuse via the online contact form.

    3. User Obligations
    The user undertakes to refrain from any illicit action and to use the services available in accordance with the General Conditions of Use and these Legal Notices of It is for example. strictly prohibited from introducing data containing a computer virus into the system or from hindering, in any way, the accessibility of the services for other users. The user acknowledges that the content and information (addresses, URLs, logos, etc.) offered on the online site of are protected by third party rights legislation. The user undertakes to process their access data (username, password) knowingly, confidentially and with caution. cannot be held responsible for improper use of access data or damage resulting from non-compliant or fraudulent access. If the user notices illegal offers or other abuse on, he or she must immediately inform the team using the online contact form. The user ensures to respect Netiquette and undertakes not to violate Swiss legislation in force with the content he publishes. It takes care not to publish content that is racist, threatening, inciting violence, pornographic, obscene or harmful to personality, competition or honor and respects the copyright of third parties. has the right to block, delete or not post content that violates these rules, without delay or warning. In such a case, has the right to prohibit the user from entering further content.

    4. Data refresh strives to use current and correct data. The user acknowledges, however, that these may contain errors or incomplete information. declines all responsibility in the event of errors or resulting consequences. However, any errors can be reported using the online contact form.

    5. Copyright, intellectual property and liability
    Copyright protects all content available on the website (all rights reserved). The user receives the non-transferable and non-exclusive right to use the services offered by All pre-existing or emerging intellectual property rights concerning the services remain in the hands of or its partners. Downloading or printing online content published on the website is only permitted for personal, non-commercial use and provided that copyright notices and other legally protected designations are always visible. . The reproduction, transmission (electronic or by other means), modification or linking, in whole or in part, of the online pages of for public or commercial purposes is strictly prohibited without written consent. prior to Finally, is not responsible for the content published by other users on its web pages nor for the content of other online sites, even affiliated ones. The user undertakes to fully exonerate from any claims by third parties resulting from their abusive use of data, services or services on the online sites of or caused by the content published by them.

    6. Uptime Guarantee strives to ensure the accessibility and availability of its online platforms. However, operation of the services without temporary interruption or breakdown is impossible to guarantee. Within the limits of the legislation, any liability of towards the user or third parties is excluded.

    7. Languages of Legal Notices and Conditions of Use
    These Legal Notices as well as the Conditions of Use are available in French. The French version, being the original, is authentic in the event of possible contradictions linked to other translations.

    8. Final provisions may evolve over time and may therefore modify these Legal Notices/General Conditions of Use at any time. Unless otherwise stated, any modifications apply upon publication on the online platforms of In the event of non-compliance with the Legal Notices/General Conditions of Use, access to the online services of may be prohibited to a user. If one or more provisions prove to be void or obsolete, the validity of the other provisions will not be affected. Swiss law is applicable. The forum is the headquarters of the company (Renens)., September 23, 2023


    Address of the head office
    SwissOps Ltd
    Sur-la-Croix 147
    CH-1020 RENENS

    Phone: +41 21 508 55 46 français, english